Export von (Militär-)Musikinstrumenten von Berlin nach Zentral- und Südamerika um 1900


  • Christian Breternitz




The article outlines the significance of Prussian military music of the 19th and early 20th centuries in an international context. It focuses on deliveries of musical instruments and sheet music by the Berlin company C. W. Moritz to Central and South America around 1900. The delivery lists of 1897/98 for the Colombian military bands show that they were equipped according to the Prussian model, which goes back to the ideas of Wilhelm Wieprecht. He reformed and standardised the Prussian military music system between the 1830s and 1860s, thus creating the basis for its success. The sheet music enclosed with the musical instruments gives an insight into the popular musical taste of the period around 1900, which was increasingly introduced to Central and South America. Future research will ask what impact such imports of music and musical instruments had on the development of music in Central and South America. (Vorlage)





Breternitz, C. (2022). Export von (Militär-)Musikinstrumenten von Berlin nach Zentral- und Südamerika um 1900. Die Musikforschung, 74(4), 308–317. https://doi.org/10.52412/mf.2021.H4.3016